We are back from Japan for a short vacation after living there for 3 months. And it was a long 3 months. When we decided to move over there the job offer and the decision was made in less than 2 weeks. We moved over there pretty blindly and had no idea what Japan was going to be like. Sure, I knew they spoke Japanese and ate a lot of sushi but I thought that could all be fixed with Google Translate and some pb&j's. I was sorely mistaken. It is extremely hard to communicate with someone who does not speak any english and unfortunately sometimes the Google Translate makes it worse. And sometimes someone will think they are saying an english word but it is so much different, like when I have asked "what size is this?" they will response "furii saizu" (which means free size, or one size fits all), and at first you think... there is no way that was english, but if you say that outloud to yourself slowly it starts to sounds like free size. Sometimes when I order a hamburger (which is rare) they correct me and go "oh! Hanbaga!" and I stand there like... ya sure? They have a lot of English words worked into their language but they are pronounced so different that they might as well be a Japanese word.

ANYWAYS, I am home now and it has never felt so good! The conveniences in America are just incredible, there is a grocery store or a Target or a Walgreens on every corner, there are endless variety of food options and everything is so much more affordable. Oh and the TV is better. Shockingly enough the TV's in Japan are ridiculously expensive. We opted to not get a TV while living there and just watch on our laptops for the year. So the first thing we wanted to do when we got home was watch some good old fashioned American big screen TV. But we didn't want to spend our entire summer indoors, so we found this amazing projector from RIF 6 that literally fits into your pocket and we can take it anywhere. We set up the fire and popped some popcorn and played one of our favorite summer time movies, The Sandlot. Our family was shocked how this tiny little box could make this huge movie screen outside for all of us to sit around the campfire under the stars. All I needed was a phone to play the movie and a white sheet to create the "movie screen". We are even excited to bring this back to Japan and use as our new TV so we don't have to stare at our tiny computer screens anymore. 

Nicole Knox
Nicole Knox
Nicole Knox
Nicole Knox
Nicole Knox
Nicole Knox
Nicole Knox

I bet you want to go watch The Sandlot now, don't you?