Since I spent the majority of my summer living out my car that meant I wore the same outfit wayyy too often. So every time we are out traveling and I get the chance to show off a pretty dress I am desperate to capitalize on those moments. We spent the whole day hiking in the Hoh National Rainforest, it had been raining for most of our hike and I was starving, but as we were leaving the park I saw this field tucked away in the distance that was just screaming my name. As you can tell, I have no shoes on in this picture. We stopped the car, I dug through my bag to find this dress and I ran straight out to this field without any hesitation, or shoes. We take photos like this, beautiful nature shots with gorgeous dresses and sometimes people comment things like "oh yeah I totally hike in my dress all the time", but that's not what I'm trying to make you believe. I am lucky enough to travel to all these beautiful places and I feel that dresses like this deserve to be shown off in a spectacular setting, like this one. So the moral of the story is, no I do not hike in a dress, I hike in my dirty clothes and whenever the inspiration hits I change into something gorgeous, like this! Let's be real, if I was frolicking around in my plain black yoga pants with my plain black tank top you wouldn't have clicked this link to see more pictures.